Stage 4 - Construction

Stage 4 - Construction


As of March 1st 2014 the S.I. No. 9 of 2014 Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014 are in place. Approval must be sought from the Building Control Authority to ensure that the building complies with the Irish Building Regulations and Technical Guidance Documents.



  • Prior to a contractor starting on site and within two weeks of the start of construction, a ‘Commencement Notice’ (short notice for building works under 40sqm and no previously extended or Opt Out declaration) must be lodged with Building Control Authority

  • The construction of the project commences with the handover of the site on the commencement date assigned in the contract documents. The site and the construction are the responsibility of the contractor for the duration of the project

  • Regular meetings are held on site to discuss the progress of the construction. Meetings can occur weekly or fortnightly depending on the progress of the work.


  • At this stage the works are practically complete and the building is handed over to the client

  • The clients insurance replaces the contractors insurance for the works

  • With the exception of 5% retention all monies are due to the contractor

  • The defects liability period commences from the date of practical completion. During this period the contractor must repair or complete any minor defects or omissions

  • On completion of the works the contractor is entitled to the retained 5% of the contract sum upon issue of the Final Certificate and the end of the Defects Liability Period.


  • Certification of the works can occur any time after practical completion, however it is prudent to certify at the end of the Defects Liability Period

  • All consultants responsible for elements of the design of the building are required to certify those elements of the project. Eg: Structural Engineer, Services Engineer, etc.

  • Main Contractor and Sub Contractors must provide certificates for all relevant elements of the works completed by them

  • The Architects Opinions On Compliance lie outside the scope of fees. If requested by the client or the building's owner, the certificates will only be issued on foot of the completion of all other certifications related to the proposed works, including documents that certify that the building and/or the proposed work has a Planning Permission granted and a Commencement Notice approved from the Building Control Authority. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure these conditions are met.

This schedule should be read in conjunction with the RIAI “Agreement between Client and Architect for Domestic Work”.

Massimo Zomero